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Time? It's all in the Mind!

Firstly~ some images of inspiration to get things rolling~!

I got all oriental over here for some reason...not much to do with the reading or anything, but just some imagery I happened to stumble upon that I enjoyed a bit.

The reading this week was interesting... a bit too interesting. It was An Experiment with TIme by J.W. Dunne.

If anything at all can be taken from this whole experience in reading chapter 11, it's coming to the full realization of how

amazing the human mind is! Seriously! The way our brains are wired and how our own physical sensory organs work together to basically create our reality as we know it is amazing. Pulling into plenty of interesting discussions in class, like what our bodies do when there is an impairment and what channels take on stronger roles to compensate, I really can't begin to even imagine why or how our bodies and more intently, our brains, can do what they do. Our brains dictate nearly everything we encounter and experience so it's so intriguing to think about how our brains do what they do. That saying "I think, there for I am" really starts to hit home. Though I don't want to thoughtlessly just say I know anything about it, it's all still just "new" information in a sense that I just really take it for granted. You don't think about anything like this while things are going well. It's only when something is wrong, when you begin to notice and question something on this level of continuity. I can't pretend like I was entirely engaged in reading the short passage but during class the discussion was just so enchanting to get to hear everyone's own interpretations and personal understandings about it. I've got to hurry and submit my reading, I keep on forgetting to upload it but I'll get to doing that in a few minutes,....I'm so fickle and indecisive when it comes to picking things...

Ah!! almost forgot to upload this weeks project!

I'll be honest, I really didn't get around to doing my assigned homework at all this week. I just didn't eat much to warrant presenting a log of what I ate...raw ramen from the week before isn't something I want to show off...makes me a bit self conscious too, when I notice how little I was eating and the quality of food too....

SO! I decided to do some digital work for a change since it was more convenient material wise. At first I started off doing something like this

but that got boring quickly and I wasn't in the mood the next day to draw something other than I went to the student center and asked my buddies to have me draw something.

Since we are all video game nerds at heart it somehow ended up turning into a fanart session each day...

I draw from memory, so I didn't bother using reference images and did my own spin on each character presented, but here they are I guess

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:

Day 6:

I decided to focus less on line work and more on colors and using what I gained from figure drawing and painting classes to create my pictures.

While, I know that creating my own personal things to draw rather than drawing already established properties would be more ideal. I'd like to focus more on the aspect of technique rather than the identity of the content. I worked completely different from how I usually go about working digitally...makes me wish I did more work like this for illustration class rather than haphazardly attempting to utilize line work that I'm not strong at when it comes to digital art.

I used to hate color but now I can't seem to stop enjoying it more thanks to figure drawing class and painting 1. I just need to stop being so cheap trying to hold off on using my art materials and make some physical work for this class rather than holding it for the other one.

Next week will be interesting, but I hope I don't dro the ball and do something like this again. it's not the time to be indecisive.

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