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The Insightful Interjections of Mr. PG

Mr. P(peanut) G(gallery) is basically the personification of my own self loathing.

Snide and shallow, always a critical critic, with nothing constructive to add to a conversation, he'll pop in from time to time to say something bordering on the unnecessary and cruel.

A mean spirited individual, characterized by his own satirical shrewd slanderous mudslinging.

Honestly a jeering punch in my own face since such an individual will be actually "critiquing" my own works in painting.

You know what they say, " you are your biggest critique"

he's going to be saying everything I think about my own work in general. Down to personal problems of mine with how I approach creating a piece and some simple technical issues that I never get around to changing.

The idea behind mr. PG in terms of the assignment, is that he is "Projecting" my inner thoughts into a physical space (paper) while also being projected (popping out or near/around) off of the works that the thoughts are about.

I really enjoy pop up books and decided to set up a little five pieced mr. PG critique showcase.

There are some obvious implications with how I went about explaining the importance of why I approached the assignment the way I did, so I decided to also feature a projection (x3) of a colored version of mr. PG commenting about various things within the hallway of the art building.

This utilizes the projector and features a slightly different take on his character. He's such a bastard. That's all I want to share for now. There was plans for a third element to the mr. PG showcase, but I didn't get the animation finished in time. So I'll just have to settle for this double sundae special.

So without further a do, it's


Master Copy!?

"Master Copy!? More like, master SLOPPY!!

Did you wipe with the canvas, or does your work always turn out like Crap?"

Wow, Mr. PG doesn't pull his punches at all, does he? Honestly, I can't blame him since this was pretty disgusting. All of the PG's are projected and popped out from the wall or the work itself using paper studs made from cardstock, tape and pinned in. This one is the most elaborate of the five since this arm is segmented and the speech bubble protrudes in front of him.

Next up

Muddy Waters...

"I know your teacher usually refers to the paint as "mud" but... You could at least try not to make it look like it."

could have stopped there, but he just had to tag in a rude comment

"He looks, like how you Paint. Dead and buried under a pile or regret and failure."

This one was fun to set up. I got to pin directly into the work instead of the wall this time. This is also the only one that is on an easel. Didn't want to take up too much space considering I already commandeered the corner of the classroom.

next in line

Wispy Weeping

"A painting with some actual pop.... well... with a face like his, i'd cry too. Seriously, why is all your work images of sad people??"

Why indeed, PG? Why indeed... Almost a compliment but it turned a little sour.. Honestly this is him being "nice"

Another fun one, I honesty really like the mr. PG character, despite the self hate speech going on right now.


You couldn't...?

"Hmmm... This was such a cool image... you just had to ruin it, didn't you? See. This is why you can't have nice things. Mediocrity."

This was a shot at a wasted opportunity. I took the time to draw out the painting in question and then botched up the paint job.

Seriously, it looks like a pencil sketch rather than a painting. This is why being cheap with paint never pays off.


Card Board...?

"Actually this is kind of cool.... One question though. Why paint on Card board?? I'm used to your paintings looking like trash, and here you are painting on it."

One of my favorite things to do is paint of cardboard, but not because of the texture created as the turpentine makes the surface deteriorate, but because i am a cheapskate and will try to use anything I can available for projects without having to go out and spend money I don't have. That being said, Mr. PG is trying to be nice again.... it's not working.

Now for the Projection Showcase

Going Down?

"by all means, use the elevator during a fire emergency"

what a jerk. he's sooo unpleasant. Commentary aside his presence almost instantaneously brings attention to the sign in the area. Or at least that is what he's supposed to emphasize. Simple, and a bit hateful. The next one tries, I swear!

Ode to a Staircase

" I wonder if anyone has fallen down these stairs? Ooooooh! I hope so."

What an evil little man. His sinister thoughts aside. I wanted to bring some emphasis to the staircase that is used day in and day out despite its questionable stability. I mean really. I'm just waiting for the day I go down it and the bolts go flying off as I careen to my untimely demise. Anyway, the idea of bringing out a "new" idea or thought about an object that is used without so much as a thought, daily is the idea behind this PG comment.

Last but not least, we have

Genuine Gentlemanly Jabbering!?

"Hey! Not bad, not too bad at all. Good Show! Finally some quality!"

This PG must be from an alternate reality where cold cruelty is replaced with sincerity and sweetness.

Honestly this one is sort of advertisement for the BA, and BFA showcases. Just bringing attention to the flyers in the space of the building. Everyone knows about the event, but you never know if a helpful PG highlight saved the date for someone.


In short, PG is all about bringing attention (mostly negative) to the things I take notice to that I decided to share in this way with viewers of the showcase. From some internal doubts to some simple curiosities, sharing is caring and who better to host the highlighting showcase than a lovable little bastard like Mr. PG?

I had fun with this one... still wish I finished animating him. I'll do that on my own time, till next time though!

Thank you!! ps. I owe you paper!!

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