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Paper cut Muse

I wanted to create marks without the use of traditional tools like a pencil by slicing into my paper with an x-acto knife. The flowing motions ended up looking allot like either wind or hair and I started to go with it. By trying to portray motion with the curves by lifting the paper in certain areas and pushing in some other areas it makes a wavy or rippled sort of movement.

I decided to kind of create the silhouette of a womens head. A sort of call back to the fact that the movement resembled the motion of water and I recalled the Undine or Ondine water spirits of Greek and Celtic mythology and went with it.

The lifts and bends flow pretty uniformly. Some I did prop around myself but most ended up like the way they are, naturally.

The face is the middle ground and I leave featureless to keep the focus on a silhouette . I was tempted to carve a face and other features but I stopped myself from doing that about four times since it wouldn't be as simple as I wanted it to be then.

The whole thing was sort of a Muse moment since I was recalling a little project with some friends about the design of an undine that one of them wanted for me to make and this ended up being birthed out of that thought.

I enjoyed it for what it was, though I must say I am not the most careful individual and am a bit of a klutz....can't count how many times I've stabbed myself with an x-acto blade but (4) in two months is plenty. I was very careful with this one and still managed to nick myself while changing my headphone music...

Simple, and also a bit of a stretch conceptually, I still think that the representation of flowing movement, particularly waters movement, is presented sort of alright here in a really gestured way at least. Nowhere near the level of ripples and it almost just feels like a swift stencil slicing but I digress. Simple doesn't mean terrible, but I really could have done more to convey the feeling of movement more...maybe wetting the paper would have been a good idea.

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