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1 Million Marks

Our first assignment in contemporary art class...

gotta say... I never had an appreciation for contemporary works.

I never understood it and really haven't wrapped my head around it as much as I should, being an artist and all.

I took this class hoping to gain an understanding and appreciation for it and maybe even enjoying it a bit.

After this first assignment I can safely say.... My original assumptions and tastes about it have actually worsened.

Anyone can be a critic, well no one is a worse critic of your work then yourself. I HATED this assignment. Don't get me wrong, making 1 million marks on a page isn't the part that broke me... It was the unexplained direction to literally COUNT every single stupid mark I made on the page that made me think... This is why people call art pain. I never disliked art so much until now... never thought I'd ever say that in my life.

Anyway... here's this stupid project, no disrespect to my teacher at all, but so far... I hated doing this... every second and hour spent doing this could have been spent making use of this really nice paper you lent me. Don't worry I'll pay you back. I just hope contemporary art can become something I can enjoy doing since I want to love it all... but this... this was just torture for my mind and wrist.

Ah, the images... yup.

This one is like... 5300 or something marks... e-e... Honestly I made it into something it should have never been. A counting project. I got so fixated on the counting aspect of the project, that I let it control how I made my marks and how much my state of mind into counting made the project feel sooooo mind-numbing.

This time I made my marks and then counted them after a few hours of making the marks. I've gotta say, I felt better about this one far more than I did about the first. I lost count allot of times because I didn't count as I was making them like I did with the first but eventually I counted around 11532 marks... over double the marks of my other one. I'm going to throw up over this but all I learned form doing this is that, my state of mind plays a huge part into how I chose to create the marks on the page.

The first is more meticulous while the second is more free flowing. ... might have somethign to do with the mark making tools I used but honestly I'm more happy that it's done, rather than uset about not reaching anywhere near 1 million marks.

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